Performance Improvement

Improving Sports Performance

Performance improvement will help you learn how to condition your body to optimal levels.

We identify and address areas of weakness, imbalance, and restriction specific to the athlete’s sport-related needs. This approach reduces the chance of injury and enhances your patients’ opportunity for success. This allows the athlete to unleash his or her full potential and take on the competition with complete confidence.

Correct biomechanical issues now and cross the finish line injury free! Ask about prevention or recovery from injury with our video running analysis services.

Golf Performance Center

The Horizon Golf Performance Center is a year-round training facility with certified therapists here to assist you with enjoyment and success in your golf game. Our center uses an expert, tested approach to help you improve your golf game and well-being by analyzing your body’s limitations and strengths. Then a detailed, specific plan can be devised to assist you in restoring or improving your ability to participate in the game you love.

Golf Rehab & Fitness: How it Works

After an interview where you highlight your specific concerns or needs, our therapists will perform a comprehensive, golf –specific, physical evaluation to highlight areas in need of attention. We then will offer Golf-specific exercise instruction custom designed for your situation. Follow up performance enhancement sessions are provided based off of need. Furthermore, taking these services to the course or range is available to ensure a smooth transition to implementing these new or re-tooled skills.

Sportsmetrics™, ACL Injury Prevention & Performance Training

The Sportsmetrics™ ACL injury prevention program at Horizon Rehabilitation is a 6 week jump training program proven to reduce the risk of an ACL related injury.

The statistics on ACL injuries in high school and college age athletes is significant and staggering. Locally, we have seen a significant number of our youth suffer this severe, career altering injury. We are not alone, approximately 150,000 ACL injuries occur each year with female athletes suffering a 2-8x higher number of tears than their male counterparts.

Due to the high number of ACL related injuries, our athletes are suffering both physically and mentally. Horizon Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine seeks to deliver a solution, and we provide it with our ACL injury prevention program.